If you’re planning to make edibles for your loved ones at home, you’ll want to invest in an excellent recipe. As it turns out, not just any recipe is going to yield perfectly cooked, tasty edibles. In fact, there are only a handful of tried-and-proven techniques that will get you high enough on the Food Network to rival the best gourmet restaurants. Lucky for you, I’ve got just such a technique!
For years I’ve enjoyed making savory delights like biscuits: cornbread stuffing, and chow; however I avoided cooking them with butter because I was afraid my family would think less of me if I used butter while making their favorite treats. What I learned about making edibles for my family was that they absolutely love the stuff so much that they won’t even tell you what they are eating! And that’s exactly what you should do when making cannabutter and savory recipes. Simply add in foods from the grocery store or the health food section; or, if you’re really into making home-cooked meals, feel free to substitute ingredients from your own pantry and refrigerator.
My favorite how to make edibles recipe: involves smoked mason jars (also known as smoker’s jars because the flavor comes from the smoker), bread soaked in buttermilk, butter, and some form of sweetener. I start out by putting half a cup of buttermilk into each of three jars. Next I place two thirds of a cup of bread in each jar along with about half a tablespoon of butter.
Once I have my mixture ready: I take my smoker’s jars and place about three quarters of a cup of my mixture into each one. I then seal the tops of the jars with the help of an airtight lid. The reason I did not use coconut oil is that coconut oil will make the smoking process difficult, and also because I don’t like the taste of it. In any event, once you have placed all your ingredients into the smoker’s jars you are good to go.
To make compact edibles: that taste and smell great you need to get a quart of coffee grinds, a tablespoon of dried herb, and about a teaspoon of cinnamon. You will also need some water to make a few tablespoons of cannabis butter. All you have to do is put the coffee grinds, the dried herb, and the cinnamon into the pot of hot water and let it brew for about ten minutes before straining it.
How to make cannabutter can be a fun and easy project: If you want a different kind of flavor, try making a “jazz” version of your favorite beverages, such as ginger ale or soda crackers. If you want something more medicinal, try making a “bath” pill that contains a blend of medicinal herbs.
Including hawthorn berries, or any other type of leafy greens, and you can even make a delicious herbal tea out of it, much like tea, but without adding any caffeine.